This One Summer

Film - 2023
This One Summer it's a movie with Marina Foïs, Gael García Bernal, AdÚle Wismes, Ángela Molina, Chiara Mastroianni Full cast. Directed by Eric Lartigau. Original title Cet été-là, runtime 99 minutes. Genres Commedia, Drama.
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Review of  Emiliano Baglio Emiliano Baglio
In our opinion, there is a central scene in Cet été-là. Nadine (whom everyone calls Dune), the little protagonist of the film, obsessively looks at reality through the camera that she almost always holds in her hand and through which she builds her own memories. Until a film from two years earlier reveals to her, or rather reminds her of, the dramatic event that is at the center of the crisis between the two parents (Marina Foïs and Gael García Bernal). In light of this sequence , in our opinion, the words of director Eric Lartigau (known to most for The Bélier Family) are better understood when he declares "...the film is Nadine, or rather it is me who looks at Nadine, and it is also my emotions put into film...". The role of images and the use of the camera as a means to build a sort of gallery of memories are perhaps the best intuition of the film. For the rest Cet été-là, taken from the graphic novel And they call it summer by Jilllian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki is the most classic coming-of-age story about the transition from childhood to adolescence and at the same time tries to compare different phases of a woman's life. Dune's childhood, her maturity mother and Chiara Mastroianni, the old age of Angela Molina and the problematic youth of Adéle Wismas. Summer loves, small and large dramas, parents who argue, girls who become pregnant, elderly ladies addicted to alcohol, alternative neighbors, great friendships between little girls who inevitably watch horror films; the great repertoire of the case is not lacking. Nothing new under the sun, all very pleasant, all extremely harmless. A film that can be seen and forgotten in the blink of an eye. EMILIANO BAGLIO Read all


Every summer, 10-year-old Dune goes with her parents to the south-west coast of France, where she meets her best friend Mathilde. Together, they explore pine forests, contemplate the shape of clouds, follow teenagers and crash their parties, and secretly watch horror films. But this one summer is special for Dune – last year, the family skipped their usual holiday without her knowing why. She feels that something has changed. As childhood becomes a little more distant, she begins to see adults and teenagers differently and understand their secrets.
