The Method

Film - 2005
The Method it's a movie with Eduardo Noriega, Najwa Nimri, Eduard Fernández, Pablo Echarri, Ernesto Alterio Full cast. Directed by Marcelo Piñeyro. Original title El método, runtime 115 minutes. Genres Drama, Thriller.
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A high-voltage theatrical piece of  Rael70 Rael70
We all know the sad and deleterious effects of the global economy, the dramatic political and social implications, the reckless agreements between multinationals and governments at the expense of the people and all this in the name of one God: money and the resulting power. The Argentine director Marcelo Pineyro (who became famous as the producer of “The Official Story”, the first South American film to win the Oscar for best foreign film (1986) directed by Luis Puenzo) achieved success with “Cenizas del Paraiso” (champion of box office in Argentina in 1997 which won the Goya Award for best foreign film in the same year) and with his subsequent works he always managed to win various prizes at many festivals (and to represent his country at the Oscars). In 2005 Pyneiro decided to address the issue of globalization and to this end he decided to transpose the play by the Catalan writer Jordi Galceran entitled “El Metodo Gronholm” onto the big screen. To achieve this goal, he forms a cast of eight actors of Argentine and Spanish nationality who will give life to highly respectable performances, managing to fit perfectly into the parts assigned to them. The story takes place in Madrid in the early 2000s, on an absolutely unique day: the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the WB (World Bank) meet to determine the financial strategies of the coming years and, for security reasons, large part of the city is forbidden to vehicular transit, causing traffic jams never seen before. At the same time, the anti-globalization movement has organized itself and is ready to carry out a demonstration with a very high risk of violence and clashes with the police. In this incandescent climate ready to explode, eight candidates go to the headquarters of the Dekia company ( of which the viewer will never be able to understand which sector he operates in) since they were invited to choose the candidate who Read all


In Madrid seven candidates report for a job interview that uses "the Grönholm method" of selection, as protestors rise up in public protest in the street over the IMF-World Bank Summit attempting globalisation of workers' unions.
