
Film - 2021
Meander it's a movie with Gaia Weiss, Peter Franzén, Romane Libert, Frédéric Franchitti, Corneliu Dragomirescu Full cast. Directed by Mathieu Turi. Original title Méandre, runtime 91 minutes. Genres Horror, Sci-Fi, Drama, Thriller.


Review of  Il Buio In Sala - Giuseppe Armellini Il Buio In Sala - Giuseppe Armellini
Here, here we raise the bar. Let's be clear, Meander is a film full of flaws, with a story that doesn't seem to stand up (even if depending on the interpretation given to the whole thing it could also hold up), with the spectator forced to challenge his suspension of disbelief continually. But, well, once we accept that the film is very forced then there is little that can be done, it is excellently made (and has coherence, going back to above). A woman who has lost her daughter recently (disappeared or dead, we won't know) she finds herself first in the hands of a serial killer (inside his van) then, we don't know how, in a gigantic maze of very narrow tunnels. She has a bracelet with a timer on her wrist. She will find out of having to face a path full of mortal dangers at various stages (punctuated precisely by the timer). Once the time is up, death is certain (or maybe not...). You understand it yourself, it makes no sense. If we see the film as perfectly realistic we cannot believe that there is someone who built such a gigantic structure just to having fun torturing people. If we see it in the science fiction side, any superior intelligence would never create a structure of this type. If we see it in the unreal sense (dreamlike, metaphorical or existential) you understand that in these types of films the world that is created must be less complicated than what we see in the film (complex yes, but not that complicated). In short, any of the 3 choices... you will still choose the plot and what happens will seem completely unlikely. So let's take Meander as a "game", like a film that starts from a wrong assumption but which, with great honesty, is thrown against us, an assumption that if we continue watching we must "accept" it. And once the context has been accepted, this is a great film. And ' shot very well, it has extraordinary handcrafted special effects (the limbs of Read all
Review of  Balkan Castevet Balkan Castevet
Fantasy-horror with claustrophobic atmospheres directed very well by Mathieu Turi who demonstrates his ability to manage tight spaces and times of tension very well. As in his debut film Hostile, also in Meander the aspect of the desire to live is central, the protagonist Lisa the film begins lying in the middle of the road, therefore lost, as if she wanted to commit suicide, she is a mother but her little Nina is no longer there and death is the only way to "reach" her. Lisa after the clash with the killer Adam will find himself in a strange, practically alien structure, where in addition to facing Adam again he will have to deal with continuous obstacles with the hope of being able to escape from this structure. Here the direction focuses a lot on the construction of claustrophobic atmospheres with the protagonist Lisa perpetually crawling or "crawling" closed and compressed by the very narrow walls. Mathieu Turi constructs the timing of the narrative very well, as soon as Lisa wakes up she doesn't immediately start with the action but, rightly, it builds the tension and the mystery of the structure, slowing down the times and giving breath to the story. The obstacles that Lisa has to face are many, fire, acid, walls that compress, facing the killer Adam, Turi knows when to slow down the times to bring to life the discomfort, the intensity of the moments and when to speed up in the more dynamic parts. The camera movements are good both to get closer to Lisa and to follow her movements and this serves precisely to give the rhythm depending on the situations. scene and photography are very accurate, the cuts of red light are beautiful, Lisa's bracelet, the timer, which lights up, increases the energy of the scene and the aesthetic impact. The artisanal effects are also very interesting, the visual rendering of Adam charred is level as well as the floating skull, another concept that emerged in the previous Hostile returns here, that is, that the "monster" is what Read all
Review of  Rael70 Rael70
Good claustrophobic thriller with obvious existential derivations. There are science fiction elements peppered with action and tension but one question reigns supreme throughout the film: is the path that the protagonist will have to take a redemption, a punishment or something different? Read all
Meanders of  Roberto Flauto Roberto Flauto
Meandre is a film with many forcings, with many shortcomings and many excesses, which however did not stop me from loving it at all. It constantly balances between philosophical reflection and the nonsense rhetoric typical of certain works that want to give themselves intellectual airs. In my opinion it fails to reach the first dimension, but it absolutely does not fall into the other. In short, a film susceptible to numerous - and certainly divergent - readings and interpretations. I must say that from the moment I woke up, or perhaps from the moment she slipped into the first tunnel, I thought I was in front of a science fiction film. As the minutes passed I developed the idea that it was actually a sci-fi of an "existential" nature, with - more or less successful - metaphysical derivations. In my opinion, she is dead. Those meanders in which she finds herself crawling are, perhaps, those of her mind, rendered on the screen as an objective correlative of that state of suspension, waiting, torment and anguish typical of the passage from one state to another. Between life and death. Or rather: between death and non-life. That then to which we have all given, not so much a location, but a face: that of those we love. And for her that then (heaven? Afterlife? Another world?) has the face of her daughter. Which is no longer a body - like her now, after all: for this reason he cannot follow her into the tunnel - but is memory, memory, abstraction, idea, state of mind, or more simply soul. An immersion (forced, inevitable) in meanders of one's self, which has the eternal duration of a blink of an eye, a passage, a crazy and - apparently - senseless journey, as life itself is. To be able to be reborn, without a body, without life, without a future, but with the hand of the person who Read all


After getting a car ride from an unknown man, Lisa wakes up in a tube. On her arm is strapped a bracelet with a countdown. She quickly understands that every 8 minutes, fire burns an occupied section. She has no choice but to crawl into safe sections to survive. To know why she’s there and how to get out, Lisa will have to face the memories of her dead daughter…
