Leonora addio

Film - 2022
Leonora addio it's a movie with Fabrizio Ferracane, Martina Catalfamo, Nathalie Rapti Gomez, Roberto Herlitzka, Massimo Popolizio Full cast. Directed by Paolo Taviani. Original title Leonora Addio Genre Drama.
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Review of  Diego Cineriflessi Diego Cineriflessi
That Paolo Taviani had to metabolize the death of his brother and co-author of many masterpieces was obvious. That he would try and maybe succeed with a film was less so. Yet the sarcasm and black humor that shines through the film seems to want to hide precisely this. Because Leonora addio is certainly a film about Pirandello both in content and in form, but it is also the story of a long farewell to a master whose wishes were extremely difficult to fulfill. A master of literature who won the Nobel Prize. Taviani relies on an alienating black and white that paints the entire first part. He uses it for both the more dreamlike scenes and the more real ones, also inserting some archive images that are barely distinguishable. He creates a mashup of styles that make the film unique and difficult to frame. But then comes the second part. The story The nail. One of Pirandello's last short stories shot in color at the end of the previous medium-length film. This seems like little more than a not very successful or integrated appendix. Many faces, many stories and many styles, but in this case even too many, almost as if they wanted to stretch the broth in order to reach such a length as to be able to present everything in the cinema. Having passed the last Berlin Film Festival, Leonora is unable to say goodbye. convince completely. It's subtle, ironic, it borders on Black comedy, but it struggles to reach a coherent form and unfortunately this doesn't pay off. Read all


A tale of the three funerals for the ashes of Italian writer Luigi Pirandello intertwined with a murder committed by a young Sicilian immigrant boy in 1930s Brooklyn for what is described as a surreal, grotesque, complex narrative.
