Hai mai avuto paura?

Film - 2023
Hai mai avuto paura? it's a movie with Justin Korovkin, Lorenzo Ferrante, Elisa Pierdominici, Claudia Della Seta, Marta Richeldi Full cast. Directed by Ambra Principato. Original title Hai mai avuto paura?, runtime 99 minutes. Genres Horror, Thriller.
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Review of  Balkan Castevet Balkan Castevet
Fantasy-horror debut by Ambra Principato which mixes aspects of Leopardi's life with folklore, directing werewolves with taste, but not fully exploiting the characters and their stories. The film immediately starts off great with a nice camera movement that from the moon, imprisoned between windows and wooden planks, ends with shed blood; immediately showing the director's creativity. Camera movements are often present in horror sequences, it is impossible not to mention the beautiful one in the ending, well paced for the timing and for what it shows. In addition to the technique, the film manages to have a certain charm also thanks to the atmospheres with large references to the Gothic, the photography is often very dark and dark with beautiful plays of light. The latter enter through the windows and contrast the dark photography by providing good shots. Light and shadow are key concepts of the film, as the count, Giacomo's father, says, their family should be the beacon, the light, for the village while instead what what is projected is shadow and darkness. It is no coincidence that during family dinners the lights used are "warm" but despite this, due to the behavior of the characters and the underlying gloom, the atmosphere never appears comfortable or familiar. Other excellent sequence is that of Silvia in the woods which is truly atmospheric and through the alternating editing it is both disturbing and poetic. The moments of tension are punctuated by beautiful and fluid camera movements, good for example those on the stairs, perhaps the tension could have been more prolonged, it is however a normal debut film there is no super mastery in this aspect, even when the moment comes to close these scenes the result is a little too direct, not that it is bad, while in some circumstances there are moments that are a bit jump-scare Read all


Inspired by the work of an award-winning Italian novelist, this post-modern noir fantasy is centered on the image of a young poet and his aristocratic family. Set in the 1800s the plot develops around an ancient curse and a series of mysterious and terrifying events occurring on the family country estate. Featuring authentic period sets and costumes, the film is a metaphor of maturing and becoming, where death and rebirth intertwine and perpetuate each other in a continuous flux of life.
