
Film - 2022
Dry it's a movie with Monica Bellucci, Valerio Mastandrea, Vinicio Marchioni, Silvio Orlando, Claudia Pandolfi Full cast. Directed by Paolo Virzì. Original title Siccità, runtime 124 minutes. Genres Drama, Commedia.
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Comfortable lives of solitude of  Riccardo Simoncini Riccardo Simoncini
Among the dystopian ruins of an arid and waterless Rome, among the ancient buildings infested with infecting cockroaches, a crisis that is more human than humanitarian takes shape, over which hover the apocalyptic memories of an all too recent pandemic period (the masks, the - all-round scientists, the prevailing social networks on which to (un)sell oneself). In the new, very lucid film by Paolo Virzì, the precise references to current events are only apparent, however, because the director turns his gaze above all to the past rather than to the future, privileging the pathological nostalgia for what we have never been, imprisoned in the solitudes of a eternity ago. Drought in fact becomes a choral film of voices that never meet and never really speak to each other. Interlocking stories and characters that never really change the fate of those who experience them. Because in the end we always remain there, always under a now distant time that is not yet dystopian, but equally devoid of hope. Before entering prison, before ending relationships we thought we didn't deserve, carefree times when sleeping wasn't yet an illness. Invasive ghosts who become regular passengers in our dusty taxi. While young people do not feel represented by anything or anyone, for them there has never existed a different world to regret, a nostalgia onto which to project their remorse. Where Don't Look Up became almost excessive and overflowing in giving too much of a look rhetorical about the future that awaits us, Drought instead chooses a sweeter, more empathetic, more wonderfully human and sincere version, always imbued with an absolute dignity that is missing even more than water in that arid world. And so even when the rain finally arrives, rampant in every nook and cranny, it will still be better to return indoors, sheltered or afloat in the usual comfortable lives of solitude. Read all
Review of  Giovanni Varuni Giovanni Varuni
Beautiful in the intention of raising awareness of a water condition that we risk seriously experiencing. However, the film is slow and plotless. Read all
Review of  Ignazio Venzano Ignazio Venzano
Sometimes it happens that the plot of a film is not linear, especially if, as in this case, the different characters that appear are connected only by the external factor of drought. Everyone leads their own life and of course they also meet, but the varied humanity of a city like Rome, which is not normally the best place for collective collaboration (see for example the waste case), when it hasn't rained for such a long time, everything is now dry, completely dry (even the Tiber!), even more so it expresses even more markedly individual drives that result in various dramas, the most evident being that of those who try to get rich by taking advantage of the situation. Well acted, it keeps the attention alive: sometimes it's not clear where and how things are resolved, but everything or almost everything makes sense in the end. Read all


In Rome it hasn’t rained for three years and the lack of water is overturning rules and habits. Through the city dying of thirst and prohibitions moves a chorus of people, young and old, marginalised and successful, victims and profiteers. Their lives are linked in a single design, while each seeks his or her deliverance.
