Creators: The Past

Film - 2020
Creators: The Past it's a movie with William Shatner, Gérard Depardieu, Eleonora Fani, Bruce Payne, Jennifer Mischiati Full cast. Directed by Piergiuseppe Zaia. Original title Creators: The Past, runtime 113 minutes. Genre Sci-Fi.
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THE...EHM...MISSING MASTERPIECE.... of  Notjustmovie Notjustmovie
If you think that with "Dracula 3D" we had reached rock bottom, well... here's "Creators: The Past"!!! So, where do we start? From the drunk screenwriter in the throes of pseudo-conspiracy delusions and from the editor, probably drugged given that we don't understand anything for the entire duration, fortunately short, of the film? We continue with the actors, dogs, everyone, there is also a participation of Depardieu --- Gerard... why? It doesn't even have to do with the mute to pay since this rubbish has collected 10 mismatched cents perhaps... We can close with the black face make-up of the... gasp... leader of the pack, that is to say the leading actress... in short , a disaster. I didn't give half a star because I'm not capable... Anyone who still wants to enjoy this pearl, released in theaters just long enough for a yawn and the first part of a trilogy which, fortunately, will never see the light, will find it on Prime. Enjoy Read all
How to waste money! of  Claudio Golia Claudio Golia
A film that could have been developed in a very different way, it jumps from point to point and with scenarios that in my opinion have absolutely nothing to do with it and, above all, are not contextualized like the fact of passing through a space-time hole and finding oneself in an environment Dante's Inferno style complete with a ferryman on a boat surrounded by what? souls? but what's the deal with aliens? They could also have (making use of Mauro Biglino's historical and biblical knowledge) set the whole film in a different context such as, for example, telling what the creation and presence of aliens could have been in humanity's past with "Stargate" style settings perhaps where the alien and his henchmen equipped with superior technologies dominated humanity. In short, everything except this jumble of plot after plot, absurd characters and so on. It's a shame, a film in this science fiction vein, made in Italy by Italians with the quality that distinguishes us in cinematic history, was missing and still is missing. Read all
Review of  Ava Martin Ava Martin
DirectionSpecial effects
Never seen a film this bad before. There's no real plot, and the script is poorly written, with disconnected scenes and weak character development. Supposed villains control the world, but their motives are never explained. The film jumps between confusing theories about aliens, government, and religion that might work separately but feel chaotic together. It's clearly the director's first film, with basic technical issues and outdated special effects that feel like they're stuck in the '90s. Nothing really works. Read all


Where do we come from and where do we go ? The eternal question of humanity which religions have tried to answer over the centuries - lt's the end of the year 2012. The Universe is about to undergo an imposing planetary alignment and a Total Eclipse will soon be upon Planet Earth. Great vibrational changes are imminent and set to disturb us. The eight members of the Galactic Council, led by Lord Ogmha (William Shatner), meet to discuss the effects of the imminent alignment. They are 8 creators (aliens) and each one of them governs a Planet. They are each responsible for the security and well-being of a 'LENS'. Together they balance the conflict and allegiance of the Universe. Treason puts Earth in danger and the LENS, the hard disc (crystal core) containing the recording of the entire history, DNA, memories and nucleus of mankind is hidden somewhere in Italy. Everyone is searching for it. If the Lens is opened and in the wrong hands it could reveal to the human beings the shocking
