What is a frame?


Does having talent lead to success?

A question that arises every time we come up against directors who are certainly gifted but who, due to who knows what, are unable to obtain satisfaction adequate to their commitment and ability: it is worth for everyone, artists or not, it is one of the most frequent characteristics of the existence of all of us.


Jamin Winans is one of many who has demonstrated excellent professionalism in the face of very few economic resources available which, as almost always happens, was not rewarded by the public.

“The Frame” is, in the intentions of the American director, the second part of his directorial debut (“ Ink” of 2009) although they are two totally different stories with characters and actors who have nothing in common.


The plot is quite complex therefore I will only give the initial information.<1 >


The film (which takes place in the present era) begins by showing us the work that Alex does, an outlaw who works for a drug trafficking cartel with everything that can result from it (robberies, escapes, murders , chases, etc.).


Jumping from topic to topic, the viewer is shown the daily life of Sam, a paramedic who encounters various social problems on a daily basis (family violence , violence against minors, etc.) who are feeling it strongly from a psychological point of view and for this reason he goes to his psychoanalyst weekly to find an inner balance.


We return to Alex's life, in the evening he returned home and tries to relax (after the failed robbery he fears that the cartel wants to kill him) by watching TV where a series entitled "Urbanhope" (urban hope) is being broadcast and, incredibly, he the viewer realizes that the part of Sam that he had already seen in the previous minutes (including the interview with the psychoanalyst) is being broadcast as an episode…


We return to Sam's life, too she finished the day and returned home in the evening; he prepares dinner and turns on the TV where a series entitled “Thieves and Saints” is being broadcast where Sam sees everything that the film has already shown about Alex's life…


I'll stop here because this is only the beginning and the film has yet to get to the heart of things.


There are no space-time tunnels or parallel realities or anything similar but the the topic is definitely much much much broader and deeper.


It is a layered film, metaphysical at various moments, where it is not easy to interpret (in a unique way) what the images show us .

It remains a work with immense charm despite the very limited budget, it is one of those works made to make the viewer think and make him arrive not at a single and unquestionable truth but at a personal interpretation key that is extremely different between person and person.


Not for superficial viewers but for those who keep their minds active while watching.

of Rael70