Aren't zombies dangerous because they can't run?


Colin Minihan is a Canadian director who at the beginning of his career specialized in directing music videos; in 2011 he made his debut with “ESP”, a mockumentary which was not so high level but which achieved some success at the box office and in 2014 he tried again with “Extraterrestrial” but was unable to repeat the success of his debut.

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In 2016, however, a change took place, “It stains the sands red” was released, which turned out to be a very successful film from all points of view.

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The film is played by practically only three actors, Brittany Allen (Molly), Merwin Mondesir (Nick) and Juan Riedinger (unrecognizable as the zombie), who will give life to a film that is gripping and entertaining at the same time.< 1>


Technically shot in an excellent manner and with a never banal screenplay (written by the director), this film truly constitutes a little gem within the universe of zombie movies.

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The plot is a continuous succession of compelling situations: we are in the present day and the zombies have taken over Las Vegas (the causes are unknown) and all those citizens still alive are trying to escape from city ​​by any means possible.


Nick and Molly, aboard a Porsche at full speed, also took the road (which crosses the desert) which will take them to a small airport where they will find friends ready to take them on board and escape.

As soon as they leave the city Molly feels ill and Nick is forced to pull over but when he sets off again the car is covered in sand and there are no pieces of wood or similar to use to unblock the wheels; therefore Nick tries to use his cell phone but in the middle of the desert there is no signal.


Meanwhile Molly observes, hundreds of meters away, a person who is slowly walking on the road and directs towards them; he is a man in a suit and tie and does not appear to have an aggressive or threatening behavior…


Nick decides not to get to know the unknown walker and shoots him dead but the man gets up like nothing and this time he speeds up to attack the couple: the man is a zombie who has escaped from the city.


From this moment the film starts and the spectator will be able to do nothing but have fun while always being in tension…


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.


of Rael70