In the first article we examined the cinematic chronology of the saga, from its origins (Alien) up to the latest feature film released this year (Alien Romulus) but, for a good part of these stories spread over various films, the beginning of narration does not always correspond to the debut on the big screen.

Just to give a few examples, “Star Wars” begins with “Star Wars” later renamed “Episode IV : a new hope" while the beginning of the story is, as everyone knows, "Episode I: the Phantom Menace" released 22 years after the debut of "Star Wars" in 1977 and also for the "Predator" saga, which arrived at the cinema in 1987 with Schwarzenegger's "Predator", to go back to the beginning of everything we have to wait for the fifth film "Prey" released 35 years later.


What is written is valid even more so for the saga we are examining: the story of "Alien", narratively speaking, unfolds for 358 years (to date) and therefore one would be spoiled for choice in making films, shorts, creating video games and writing novels to narrate such a large period of time!


A choice must therefore be made: examine everything respecting the narrative chronological order or the cinematic one?


< 0>Before proceeding, it is necessary to clearly establish the two great narrative paths of the saga (which to date have not yet merged).

On the one hand, Scott's planned prequel trilogy, which began with "Prometheus" , continued with “Alien Covenant” and, currently, paused awaiting the third and final effort which should link the three films to the original “Alien” forever; unfortunately, however, we will have to deal with reality and for a director who is 88 years old it will not be so easy to find the time and strength to finish his project.

The topics that characterize the first two prequels surprise the viewer if his vision respects the chronological order of release: the biological-genetic theme takes on fundamental importance as does that of Artificial Intelligence, self-awareness and the origins of Humanity.

They talk about something completely different the first 4 films: from the tension and mystery of the unknown of “Alien” to the action and war of “Aliens”, from Ripley's transition in “Alien³” to the cloning experiments in “Alien Resurrection”.< 1>


The first four films, in any case, are linked by a certain homogeneity and by a common thread: Lieutenant Ellen Ripley played by Sigourney Weaver.

The two prequels have as their narrative fulcrum the android David and his admiration for the race of Xenomorphs (to which the original '79 Alien belongs) and for their origin.

As we can see, two distant narrative levels that they should only be united by the third and final prequel which may never see the light of day.


I recognize that I was very undecided on which path to take even if often one always prefers to opt for the release order in theaters to avoid ruining some plot twists.


Considering, however, as I wrote, that the piece that links the two prequels to the 1979 film is still completely missing , considering that if you see the two prequels without having seen the first 4 films you will not discover future revelations or twists, considering that in "Prometheus" Ellen Ripley has not yet been born (in reality she was born in the Olympia colony the year before the Weyland mission arrives on the planet LV-233), I decided to start right from where the entire saga begins, that is, from the 2012 film or, to be even more precise, from what comes even before the release in theaters of the whole world.

In 2012, 20th Century Fox releases the first short which begins the centuries-old history of the saga and, almost like a testament, the old Ridley decides to have his son Luke direct it (who would later make his debut with “Morgan”, would direct other shorts related to “Alien Covenant” and some episodes of the “Raised by Wolves” series).

This short is fundamental because it raises awareness spectators the character of Peter Weyland (played splendidly by Guy Pearce and who in the film we will find greatly aged) who will prove to be of vital importance for the continuation of the entire saga.

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As you can see, everything starts in 2023, in California, at a TED conference, a truly existing association that aims to give space and visibility to all those people who seem to have ideas capable of to change the destiny of the world, from a technological, social, medical, scientific and humanistic point of view.


Peter Weyland represents the Elon Musk, the Jeff Bezos, the Bill Gates, the Larry Paige, the Steve Jobs in cinematic fiction and in his first public release shows all his boundless ambition: to create androids indistinguishable from human beings.

He wants to change the world without however following its rules and normal ethics: we find ourselves in a context in which Medicine has managed to defeat 98% of tumors, where the technology to terraform planets already exists and where Man increasingly seems to take on the features of a God.

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The references to the myth of Prometheus who steals fire from the Gods to give it to Humanity (the first true "technological" element that allowed the start of endless progress) they will be even more dissected in ""Prometheus" and in "Alien Covenant".


Peter Weyland, despite the initial skepticism of the public, really wants to take Humanity beyond the horizon but where to start?

Also in 2012, the second short “Happy Birthday David” was released, again directed by Luke Scott and superbly played by Michael Fassbender who plays the David-8 android, the latest generation of androids designed and built by Weyland Corporation.

If the industry has managed to reach a similar level of AI implementation, it is easy to understand how Peter Weyland feel like a God capable of making any dream come true…

Subsequently, still in the same year, the third short film directed by Luke Scott was released and this time we begin to slowly enter the plot of the feature film. 

The archaeologist Dr. Shaw, played by the always excellent Noomi Rapace, decides to send a video message to Peter Weyland to have an appointment in person where she will explain her sensational discovery (in “Prometheus” everything will be clarified to the viewer) and where he will propose to be part of the mission that Weyland is secretly preparing. At the end of the video we see the name of the Yutani Corporation appear, a multinational that will merge with Weyland (giving life to Weyland-Yutani) before “Alien Covenant” and which will always be present in the other films.

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Last short released before the release of “Prometheus” this time directed by Johnny Hardstaff; the Arecibo radio telescope has picked up a secret transmission showing that Weyland's project is proceeding as planned and the multinational is assembling the crew to tackle the greatest of all missions: finding the origins of Humanity.

In June 2012 “Prometheus” comes out all over the world and viewers will find themselves decidedly disoriented and divided in opinions and judgements.

In the next article we will analyze the feature film and its meanings.