"Not just a musical but pure poetry"

"Annette" by Leos Carax is not just a musical film, but much more.
Adam Driver and Marion Cotillard give us two performances of very different actors, also due to the different situations that embody the two characters they interpret.
The American actor's performance becomes more of a showman while that of the French actress is a more calm role sweet and involved lover and mother.
Also worth highlighting is the skill of the singers, musicians and composers as well as the directorial ability to seal, create and freeze frames that seem like real tableaux vivants that give the film and the film a than baroque and profoundly lyrical.
The symbolic aspect of some images is also very interesting, especially the animal figures that express states of mind that are felt by the protagonists during specific and certain scenes. The peculiar, fitting and I would say focal image of the film is in my opinion Annette, the daughter of the character played by Marion Cotillard, who is born in the form of an android puppet, an aspect that will be fundamental and crucial for the unfolding of the cinematic plot.
The music lightens the story of the film and the film in my opinion, as well as giving pathos to the situations in which the various characters find themselves trapped and in the environments in which they are forced to move. The musical aspect which is a constant throughout the film, devoid of dialogue and always sung, could give rise to the contradiction, not only of considering this work a musical but also of categorizing it with a so-called Blockbuster film, which in my opinion it is not .
Perhaps the most mature film by Leos Carax, a factor determined by two hours of film that flow pleasantly, smoothly, enjoyable and which provide visual and auditory pleasure, but above all by the last moving twenty minutes whose power of the two previously mentioned aspects are exposed with all their force towards the spectator, who cannot help but be moved or experience intense feelings and sensations that reach directly to his nerves and his soul, for an ending that leaves you speechless and cannot fail to amaze.