A pleasant surprise

Reading the plot I didn't have a good impression, it made me think of a rather stupid film. I found myself watching it a bit by chance and I had to change my mind.

We are not faced with an epochal masterpiece and yes, in fact the film is really a bit stupid, but it is so in a nice and pleasant way. As much as I was prejudiced, this horror comedy unexpectedly entertained me and I became interested in the characters' stories:  my modest and very personal parameter for deciding whether I liked a film or not.


There is obviously the main plot around which the whole film revolves - the story of the ghost, which in the end turns out to be much less stupid than it might seem at the beginning - but there is also more. For example, there is the story of the protagonist family, or rather the relationship between a father and his son, and the mockery of the power of social media on our lives. Not everything in the plot goes smoothly - some moments are a little predictable, others a little chaotic - but it remains an enjoyable film to spend a pleasant evening with the family, if you are willing to "play along" with the plot fantastic about the movie.


The performance of David Harbor (the beloved Sheriff Hopper of Stranger Things) is very particular, as he is forced to act (and in my opinion he does it very well in this film) practically alone with facial expressions, since his character, i.e. the ghost, cannot speak.

of Bongo