Social denunciation, proverbial horror porn

If there is one thing I hate, it is seeing films with subtitles, let alone in the original language, namely Serbian. Yet, several years ago, I managed to grasp this superb vision only in this nice way. (I've done even worse, Korean and Japanese, and even Norwegian, without captions, and no, I don't speak Norwegian). The curiosity aroused by this film had reached very high peaks for me, in that two-year period few works were so talked about, and for better or for worse praised. At Serbian Film it found itself on the scales together with Grotesque, and The Human Centipede, but, unlike absurd stories, with wild madmen, who have no valid motivation, here, the madman of the moment, boasts at least a justification.

This pornographic director sets up a delirious bandwagon, and listen, his explanation is undeniably fascinating: social denunciation.


Srđan Spasojević imposes himself on the helm of a direction very careful to surpass any previous work in the exhibition of brutal violence, beyond all limits. The result is chilling, with a series of shocking, disturbing sequences that are unlikely to be forgotten (in fact, after a long time they are still in some hidden corner of my mind). The strong point of the feature film is an atrocious, ferocious barbarism, which plays everything beyond splatter, shining the spotlight on acts of coercion, rape, abuse of all kinds, through the metaphor of the misdeeds committed by the Serbian government.<1 >


The story tells the story of Miloš (Srđan Todorović), a former porn star who retired to private life to be with his family.
One day, his former colleague Lejla informs him that the director Vukmir would like him as an actor in his new production, since he considers him a great artist. The man, finding himself in precarious economic conditions, accepts, above all for the stratospheric sum offered, despite a strange contractual clause. He will be unaware of the plot, and ok, it's a porno, whatever you want it to be, the script will certainly be banal. Serious error of judgment, complying will not prove to be a foxy choice. When he realizes the series of obscenities in which he will have to participate (sexual abuse, killings, and so on and so forth), he will try to run away quickly, but, when the quicksand has trapped you, being able to get away becomes chimera, unrealized dream.


I feel obliged to underline that if you are even remotely sensitive, or not inclined to brutal scenes, it is better that your attention is placed on more faint, sober and delicate. Excellent fiction and special effects, which however tells something too far-fetched (pedophilia, necrophilia, incest, etc.), and denotes a drift of a certain type of oriental cinema. Something jars every now and then in the screenplay, however it is well made, and fulfills its only purpose, which is to serve a powerful shovel. The photography is well done, and the acting is very raw and ruthless, like the entire film. And when you get to the end, it is undeniable to admit that so much turpitude, a bitter aftertaste has left it, and without firing a shot, it has floored you.