NObody, the new book by Jessica Sepe, the horror professor, is available for free download until Sunday 21 July on Amazon, and also available in paperback. at this link: %C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=1ZL5W1HGS63ZY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.iza4fLcAlupmXjRowG91OQ.P54JV2sEjqS8pgrLxk1DAi1nR7dbagzZAfA2_HF9aGA&dib_tag =se&keywords=jessica+sepe+nobody&qid=1721233353&s=digital-text&sprefix=jessica+sepe+nobody%2Cdigital -text%2C208&sr=1-1


Progress is showing us things we could never have imagined. Artificial Intelligence, but not only. Real robots will soon be sold as girlfriends for wealthy men looking for the perfect wife. (And some time ago, precisely in Lovend, this topic was discussed). With NObody, dystopia is served, and will show how a robotic future cannot exactly be a bed of roses.


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The synopsis:


If artificial intelligence scares you, don't read this book.

< 0>On the upper floors of icy, luxurious skyscrapers, something is happening. Human beings, like us, yet different from us. We are nobody, they, on the other hand, are stormy seas, lightning in the sky, fire in the desert. They are those who, without brushes and colors, can draw anything they want, according to their whims. Everything their dry hearts crave. Everything that surfaces in their perverted mind. Everything is gone, ruined, nothing has any value anymore. A new picture has been painted, a different universe has been designed, but by whom?

Perhaps by supreme, magnanimous puppeteers? Whoever is leading the game has suddenly grown tired of sharing the globe with poor, useless lackeys. He urgently needs a social replacement. From one day to the next, everything can change, and someone can make the final, bitter, indisputable decision. Well yes, we clowns have lost our charm, thus becoming an abstruse problem. And now, what will happen? Could it ever be so unlikely to get rid of us, or would it be enough to press a button for the ductile quicksand to bury us in the muddy slime?
Venghino, gentlemen Venghino, the new era is about to begin, what are you willing to do to survive? Sit at the betting table, a decisive bet awaits you: you will discover yourself capable of actions that you never thought you could commit. Here you have lost everything, and here everything begins. Play your game.



It's a morning like many others, the rain it is extinguished under the rebellious wind, in a ceaseless struggle, and has lost, but only for the moment. It will return soon and wash away every sin.

Falco has just woken up, unaware of the future that awaits him. Up until that moment his life had been simply fabulous: a job he adored, well paid and with flexible hours, a beautiful welcoming home, two loving parents, and a recent conquest, charming and intelligent, with whom perhaps, soon, would have started a cohabitation. He couldn't wish for anything more, fate is favorable to him, and the world is a wonderful place to discover. His best friend Davide is waiting for him at the agency, where he would help him choose a dream holiday for Christmas. A splendid gift for Erica, a journey to an exotic and refined destination. A romantic surprise that would seal their love, forever. Noises, sudden shouts, unexpected chaos: what is that infernal racket, what is happening? Falco approaches the window and sees an angry crowd obstructing the exhausted passage of any human being: they all seem to have gone mad. His heart stops, for a brief moment. The perception of tomorrow is no longer so rosy, despite not having the information necessary to understand what is happening.
But, something terrible has certainly happened: he knows it, every fiber of his be knows. And, in that disturbing hunt for clues, he ignores what fate is tracing to him without his knowledge. Very soon, he will find himself losing everything, including his dearest loved ones, and he will have to fight for his survival, and for the salvation of that planet that he loves so much