Review of   Ignazio Venzano Ignazio Venzano

Bed and Board

(Film, 1970)

This film has been judged in various ways by the public and critics. It is a "signature" product (Truffaut), which gives back the sense of a logical story, a non-original even if unusual story, a scene seen from an impersonal eye that does not make judgements, also because the judgment lies in the story itself. Antoine is in love with his wife, but suddenly he becomes involved (and deliberately involves himself) in an unlikely story: with a Japanese woman, quite attached to her own traditions. It is not certain, of course, that this choice will be good for him. The protagonist is as we see him, he does not pose any particular existential or moral problems (in the search for work, for example).  He lives day by day. In the end we will see very briefly if the couple reunites, and how. The film is certainly influenced by the time in which it was shot (1970), but the story, albeit with some tweaks, could stand up well even today, in which we are on average more globalized.