Some time ago Valerio Caprara, a well-known film critic, wrote: «among the motivations that push directors to make a film there are noble and ignoble, profound and fortuitous, poetic and economic, but the worst it's perhaps that of wanting to have fun going around with friends." This is the most edifying way in which I feel I can comment on Grandi Magazzini, a film that certainly had the merit of dispelling any doubts regarding the actual democracy of the film club I organized. Luckily, in the general delirium, capable of reaching unattainable heights thanks to the absurd sequences with Heater Parisi, suddenly a real actor emerges, Nino Manfredi, who gives us a few brief moments of cinema with a joke. This leads me to give one vote more than the minimum possible, to which another half vote is added for the only genuinely zany line in the entire film: "Dobè la Fiera del Biango?!" I won't spend any more words on a work so senseless, specious, apparently comical and yet incapable of making people laugh (at least me). Of course, we could perhaps talk about how the film represents, beyond its intentions, the reflection of the hedonistic society of the 80s, but in this way I could dignify what I can barely define "cinema", and it is a risk that I don't intend to run.