MAGICAL GIRL by Carlos Vermut

Magical Girl is the story of a father, Luis, and his daughter Alicia, a very sweet and sick little girl who only expressed a wish with catastrophic consequences. It is also the story of Barbara, a "disturbed" woman, and an elderly mathematics professor who is about to be released from prison.
Could their existences be about to intertwine... ?

In this second feature film by Vermut we can already see an impressive sense of proportion and a personal and recognizable style, here as in the subsequent "Who will sing for you?", another very successful work available on Netflix. It must be said that in both films everything is so wonderfully ambiguous that it is difficult for the spectator to completely focus on what he is seeing, yet unable to interrupt the vision.

Curiously, the director seems to think, develop his works taking inspiration from geometric games: if in "Who will sing for you?" origami is very important, Magical Girl is more similar to the puzzle we see in the film, but a puzzle of miserable existences that falls apart as it is completed, with all its merciless connections of fate. Or maybe the case...? I don't know what's worse. And to think that it had started many years earlier, when a thirteen-year-old 'upset' her mathematics teacher... Closing the circle? We know how it ends and, whether it's chance or fate, it's equally scary.