Review of   Balkan Castevet Balkan Castevet

UFO Sweden

(Film, 2022)

Ufo Sweden focuses on the search by the teenager Denis for her missing father, the latter a UFO scholar.
It is a well-packaged film with good staging throughout, the scenes where the red is very present. The red color recalls Denise's father's car, the night he disappeared there was a red glow in the sky and these scenes are well rendered.
The car crashing into the barn on a red background, Denise's face which takes on shades of red; Danell's direction also shows slight camera movements in the scenes that punctuate the tension.
Denis will be obsessed with his research, he will also try to resume the studies of Uno, his father, he will find his old colleagues and here the film shows his obsession is also good given that he will carry out illegal actions, he will endanger the entire UFO Sweden team headed by Lenhart, now disillusioned with his old studies together with Denise's father on UFOs.

Ufo Sweden is portrayed by caricatured characters, "losers" who love each other but within it there will be clashes and different views through the character of Gunnar.

What the film requires us to accept is the fact that Denis puts everyone in danger physically but also selfishly on a moral level, with insults, but everything will still be forgiven.

It is also a film about the search for the family, the obsession with the missing father in reality it will ultimately lead to the creation of a group, a family even if not by blood.
Uno himself, in fact, rather than being a father to Denise, is a researcher, passionate about UFOs and will prefer precisely this to living together to Denise.
In this regard, the warmhole scenes in the finale are well rendered.

The UFO Sweden team, except for Lenhart and Gunnar if desired, is not very detailed, the characters of the "losers" have little depth and here the film could have done more.

Ufo Sweden has comedy tones, it also seeks good feelings so it is never truly evil despite Denise's actions.
It's a film cute, not extraordinary but well packaged where the direction does not stumble into slips but which all in all takes refuge in its good feelings and where the writing still requires the viewer to accept various aspects, even the collaboration between Ufo Sweden and the most qualified body is perhaps hastily or in any case at that point, this collaboration could have been sought before.

Wanting the acceptance of the Ufo Sweden team towards Denise, despite everything that happens, is to show a superior collective strength , it will be up to the viewer whether to consider it excessive or not.