Debut by Nakata, the author of Ringu and Dark Waters, who directs a horror film in three episodes, all with the presence of ghosts.

The third episode is undoubtedly the best and it's also excellent.
It's almost a prototype of Ringu, there are the "glacial" moments typical of the director, the ghost-woman with the white dress, the gloomy, dark atmospheres; the whole mirror sequence is excellent with the girl superimposing herself on the reflection of the ghost.
There is the television, the shot from behind which will return in Ringu, it is the same full of depth and atmosphere, the girl with the long hair, the white dress, the shot on the stairs. In short, we can already see the stylistic features and strong points for the director and this episode is excellent.
There is also no shortage of discussions on loneliness, on society, the girl protagonist of the episode is the one who would like to be a little more fashion, is attracted by lipstick, an element that recalls Mitsuko's red pencil case, the attraction for the object, for commodification.
The distortions of the video, another reference to Ringu, can already be seen from here all of Nakata and even just for this episode or even just watching this episode the film is recommended.
Moreover the ending is unhealthy.


The other two episodes do not have the same strength of the third, in the first there is a ghost doll, there is good management of the environment, therefore a good study of the shots that have their effect.
However, it is a rather fast episode which at times does not make the right atmospheric force for this speed, there are jump scares, you play less with long takes; however, even here, we notice Nakata's desire to tell female characters, the young protagonist struggling with her difficulties.
In this case the symbolic element is fire, the color red will often return and there are moments also with a good scenic impact such as the séance with the reds surrounding the scene.
The final resolution is perhaps a little fast and the whole thing certainly has a good happy ending, nothing bad but Nakata has become accustomed to very dark endings, however it is his debut film.


The second episode talks about family, another element dear to the director, the ghost woman in the film attracts children because herself wants a child.
It's an episode that is also a bit playful, the ghost is quite overexposed, her entire figure is very present and the actress shows off many facial expressions which certainly don't give that result glacial like Sadako and something more could have been done on the actor's management.
The bluish photography of the ghost is good however and the moments with the child's father, himself a ghost, intervening with a good mass are pleasant overall. on stage between lights and white backgrounds.
Here too the ending is very good and in fact more than a psychological-emotional clash with the ghost there is actually an intervention, a bit like help in beating the final boss.
We get a glimpse of the management of a now single mother towards her son, a situation that Nakata will explore a lot in his films.


As written, interesting especially for the third episode which is also the reason for such a positive judgement, even in the other episodes we see moments, some themes dear to the director, but in the third where these come to fruition and are more successful.